Journal article on trustworthy surveillance
As announced in a recent post, another article of mine is about to appear in the Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society (JICES). It is titl...
Blog posts announcing new publications by Sebastian Weydner-Volkmann
As announced in a recent post, another article of mine is about to appear in the Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society (JICES). It is titl...
A new open access article of mine, titled “Trust in technology. Ethical contributions to technology assessment beyond acceptance and acceptability?” has been pu...
I am happy to announce that the publication of my dissertation “Moralische Landkarten der Sicherheit. Ein Framework zur hermeneutisch-ethischen Bewertung ...
A short journal article titled “Vertrauensstiftende Videoüberwachung?” reports on a privacy respecting concept for video surveillance. It was recent...
Ein Framework zur hermeneutisch-ethischen Bewertung von Fluggastkontrollen im Anschluss and John Dewey. It was hard work, but I’m happy to announce that m...
After almost two years, I’m glad to say that the edited volume “Rethinking Surveillance and Control. Beyond the ‘Security versus Privacy’...