New publication on the postphenomenology of LLM-based Chatbots
A new article, co-authored with Selin Gerlek, was published in the recently founded Journal of Human Technology Relations. The title reads “Materiality and Mach...
Contributions to the field of applied moral philosophy
A new article, co-authored with Selin Gerlek, was published in the recently founded Journal of Human Technology Relations. The title reads “Materiality and Mach...
Another one of my recent submissions, this time co-authored with Dominik Bär from my team, was published (Early Access) in the Journal for Learning Analytics. T...
It took quite some time, but I am happy to announce that a new article, co-authored with Laura Fröhlich, was published (Early Access) in the Journal for Learnin...
A new German language article, co-authored with Kaya Cassing, was published on “Forschende in der Angriffsrolle: Zum besonderen forschungsethischen Bedarf in de...
Two new articles were published in the last months, one is an English language contribution on the same set of topics a previous article and is titled “Filter B...
A new German language journal article has been published open access in Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 9 (1). It presents a Deweyan take on digital demo...
A new article – co-authored with Selin Gerlek – was published open-access as part of the edited volume Von Menschen und Maschinen: Mensch-Maschine-Interaktionen...