
This is my personal research blog. My plan is to use it as a public platform for presenting updates on my research activities and “unpolished” ideas from my work as a philosopher and ethicist in the fields of digital methods and technologies and civil security. Of course, I hope that this blog draws some attention to my work and solicits comments and feedback from readers. But the main purpose of it is to give a home to those early stage texts that are “not yet” published – or to those that probably never will be. For these research related posts, I will use the main category “Unpolished Research” and then use tags for additional specification such as:

  • Digital Methods
  • Security Ethics
  • Privacy & Data Protection
  • Theory of Democracy
  • Epistemology & Meta-Ethics

In addition to presenting some “products” of my research , I plan to also write about things related to the “process” of my research. Over the years, I have put a lot of effort into finding the right software, tools and workflows that support me in producing excerpts, organising literature etc. I have profited a lot (and continue to do so) from others that have written about how they go about their research, so every now and then, I’ll blog about things that really helped me or that seemed promising at first, but then failed for one reason or the other. I will use the main category “Research Tools” for those kinds of posts.

I also intend to sometimes write about the “context” of my research activities, i.e. about the situation at my university, about my field of research or about my lectures and seminars. I will use the main category “Research Context” and “Academic Teaching” for those posts.

While much of the content presented on this website is a result of my work as a Junior Professor at the Ruhr-University Bochum, I do in no way claim to speak for them or represent their views or positions.