Colloquium Digitale Lectures Winter 2023/24
I am happy to announce three lectures as part of the Colloquium Digitale lecture series at the Ruhr-University Bochum for the winter term 2023/24. The lectures ...
Contributions related to university level teaching (BA and MA level seminars, lectures, etc.)
I am happy to announce three lectures as part of the Colloquium Digitale lecture series at the Ruhr-University Bochum for the winter term 2023/24. The lectures ...
I have updated the evaluation criteria for oral exams (rubric, Bewertungsschema). While it now only consists of 6 categories (losing some detail from the 7 cate...
As part of the research colloquium Eva Weber-Guskar and I have started this semester, we would like to invite a broader audience to the first upcoming lectures ...
I have updated the scoring scheme I use to evaluate term papers and oral exams (rubric, Bewertungsschema). The rubrics are currently only available in German: R...
In the summer term 2019, I will be teaching a German language advanced seminar on the concept of the lifeworld. The title of the seminar will be “‘D...
During the winter term 2018, I will teach a German language undergraduate seminar (Proseminar) on a classical Aristotelean text on pragmatic philosophy, the Nic...
In the summer term of 2018, I will offer a German language undergraduate seminar (“Proseminar”) that will address some of the most prominent concepts in modern ...