A new German language journal article has been published open access in Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 9 (1). It presents a Deweyan take on digital democracy in the light of the recent debate on a crisis of democracy due to dis- and misinformation online. This is the Englisch abstract:
Based on the digital mechanisms “filter bubble” and “echo chamber” in digital media, this article investigates to what extent Dewey’s functional conception of the public can offer productive perspectives for dealing with the current crisis in democracy. Through a reconstruction of the Deweyan concepts of the public and of shared experience, it is shown that the (Dewey inspired) debate on “digital publics” does not adequately reflect the aspect of situated and embodied experience. In contrast to some findings in the debate, it is shown that digital media offerings must be rooted in local contexts of experience in order to answer the challenge of those problematic mechanisms.
Weydner-Volkmann, Sebastian. 2022. “Digitally Shared Experience? Deweys Demokratieverständnis im digitalen Zeitalter.” Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 9 (1): 115–40. DOI: 10.22613/zfpp/9.1.4 (open access).