Two recent articles published
Two new articles were published in the last months, one is an English language contribution on the same set of topics a previous article and is titled “Filter B...
Two new articles were published in the last months, one is an English language contribution on the same set of topics a previous article and is titled “Filter B...
After a challenging year in which, mostly out of neglect, I didn’t post anything to this blog, I am happy to announce that the intermediate evaluation of my jun...
A new German language journal article has been published open access in Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 9 (1). It presents a Deweyan take on digital demo...
A new article – co-authored with Selin Gerlek – was published open-access as part of the edited volume Von Menschen und Maschinen: Mensch-Maschine-Interaktionen...
I am happy to announce that a grant application that I was part of has succeded. Starting November 2021, the research project “AIStudyBuddy: KI-basierte Unterst...
As announced in a recent post, another article of mine is about to appear in the Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society (JICES). It is titl...
I have updated the evaluation criteria for oral exams (rubric, Bewertungsschema). While it now only consists of 6 categories (losing some detail from the 7 cate...